Starting Today!

Sunrise ONR

 What a great morning I hope everybody’s doing OK.

Today I woke up, with a new in fresh zeal, to start working on this site. It’s been up for a month now and I have not done much with it yet. I’m really hoping to start advancing and working more in this site. I believe the Lord has been wanting me to start publishing my thoughts and ideas and share things that I’ve learned in the many years I’ve been a Christian.

I have to admit I’m a little nervous, because 1. I don’t feel I’m a very good writer, and 2. I am really not sure what I’m doing when it comes to the blogging world. But I really feel the Lord he’s been wanting me to step in his direction. So there might not be much in this blog today, but I wanted to start it out in someway. Even if it’s just my thoughts about starting a blog. And even though I feel the Lord has been wanting me to do this, I feel I’ve learned a lot, I am not really sure how to put all this down and into this website. But here we go!! You got to start somewhere so today I’m starting with this blog. 

I hope to put more intriguing thoughts about scripture and things I’ve learned, but this is really not going to be a website on me in my infinite wisdom about the Bible. I really want this to be about the truth that I have found in the Bible. I don’t wanna come across as a scholar, or some know it all. I’m really hoping that others will get involved and share their thoughts and ideas to, for Scripture says iron sharpens iron. I really want to learn more from other believers to I do not want this to be a one-sided website with just my views. So here we go, going to start posting at least I hope twice a week. I’m a little nervous and putting that out there again because I’m not sure what I’m doing, but you got to start somewhere.


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